Friday, July 2, 2010

What is your preference?

So I have a little tome before work. I need to get back into the grove of making posts. So I thought I would start with a bit of personal choices. What kind of stethoscope do you use? Do you prefer one brand over another? What else is in your pockets while your at it? Anything you use you think that is worth having in your pockets? Is there anything you think people carry that you think isn't needed? Post it in the comments!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. If the county required me to carry a stethoscope, I probably would, but since they don't, I'll use just about anything that they will give me, though I do prefer a single tube versus to a double tube.

    As for my pockets, bare minimum is two pairs of gloves (I like the high cuff, medium thickness gloves, even when feeling for a pulse, mostly because they fit better than the thinner gloves on me), wallet, cell, pocket protocol, pen (black if I can find it, blue if not), pad of paper, and pen light. The most useful by far (besides the gloves) is the pen light. Preferably one that actually works (I seem to kill them like nothing else).

    Occasionally there is a random piece of paper on there, but more often than not, that it! :)
